05 October 2006

Ratatat - Sproul Plaza - 9/19/06

Originally uploaded by ryanfoley.
Thank you Superb! They keep bringing great concerts to Berkeley. I've seen Ozma (twice), Matt Sharp, and a bunch of other concerts for free or cheap because of them (and they're bringing Sufjan to Berkeley next week). This time I saw Ratatat for free. The free shows are out in Sproul Plaza where students can meander down for a quick glance.

Since I saw Ratatat a year or two ago and left the show early (there stuff is good to listen to, but in a live show, with no vocals, it just doesn't do it for me) and since I got a free ticket to an early screening of Science of Sleep, I left after only a few songs.

They have a new album out, and it seems to be strong from the tracks I've heard. But that doesn't get away from the fact that in concert they just sort of noodle around on guitars while swaying back and forth.

What ever happened to these guys being the next big rap producers?

Ratatat - Seventeen Years

Missy Eliot (Ratatat Remix) - Hot

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