25 June 2006

Fastest Man Alive

Originally uploaded by ryanfoley.
I've been in Boston this last week chumming with work people, seeing a college friend, and going to one show. That'll be my excuse for why it's taken me over a week to post about the Sound Team / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin show at the Independent. I went to this show by myself, knowing that it was going to be great, but unable to convince others of that fact.

I got to the venue a few minutes before SSLYBY started up, The band is a laid-back rock outfit. I want to compare them to a band, but nothing is really coming to mind. They're sort of like Rogue Wave or OK Go or Razorlight or Spinto Band. It's pretty simple music, but very solid. They were also pretty fun to see live. I'll probably try to see them next time they're around (caught them before when they opened for Birdmonster a few weeks ago).

Originally uploaded by ryanfoley.
As for Sound Team, one of the internet's favorite bands, they really performed well. It's a group of really good musicians with some very good songs. They're not going to be the next Radiohead, but I think they'll be pretty big in the indie scene. During the set, something went wrong with one of the keyboards, forcing some quick fixing and a couple of songs with two guys working over each other (like in the picture).

After the show, I talked to Phillip from SSLYBY for a while. He sounds like a really good guy just trying to make it in this business. But he seems to understand that you need to work your way up slowly, gaining fans along the way.

Sound Team - Fastest Man Alive iPod-ready Video- Highly Recommended

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - House Fire

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