18 October 2006

We Are Scientists / Art Brut / Spinto Band - Fillmore - 10/2/06

Originally uploaded by ryanfoley.
Finally a show that I wanted to see everyone performing. As anyone who goes to shows knows, you typically get some band you've never heard of opening for the band you're going to see. This can be a good thing when you discover someone new. But more likely it's just something you have to wait through. But when three bands you want to see play on the same stage, you're just getting more bang for your buck. And that's my first concern when it comes to concerts: value.

Performing at the Fillmore was The Spinto Band (who I saw twice in March), Art Brut, and We Are Scientists. I've been a fan of The Spinto Band for about a year now. I first heard Art Brut through Rock Club (a little mix tape exchange I'm a part of), and have heard through friends that they put on a good show. Nora at I Rock, I Roll pumped the band, which is where I first heard Lousy Reputation, and enticed me to buy the album. And after reading YANP's enthusiastic review of one of their shows, I was hyped.

Originally uploaded by ryanfoley.
I showed up at the show with Susan and met up with John, Ian, Marissa, and a few others. I also ran into this couple that I've seen at a bunch of shows, including the last Spinto Band show. The crowd seemed to like Spinto Band okay, and although I thought they were really good, it wasn't quite the performance as the last time I saw them. Maybe it was the crowd didn't know them or because the Fillmore stage is so high, but it just wasn't like Cafe du Nord. Art Brut, however, had no problem with the crowd or the stage. This was a commanding performance, and you had no choice but compliance. They were high energy during the songs and funny between, saying stuff like

"If Jay-Z were here, he'd say 'Eddie, you've got 99 problems, but the bitch ain't one.' And I'd say 'Jay-Z, I don't appreciate your misogynistic words, but you are correct.'"

Stuff like that makes people into fans. That and jumping into the crowd to sing a song. And proclaiming yourself and the rest of your tour "top of the pops" several times.

Originally uploaded by ryanfoley.
We Are Scientists are a really entertaining band. They won't change your life; their music just isn't that introspective or complicated. But the music is fun and the banter is pretty good. I'll try to recount one of the many sessions

Keith: I know Eddie told you that he got his wisdom teeth pulled a week ago and now because of the medicine he's taking this is the first sober show Art Brut has done in years. And he says it's the "real" Art Brut. But let me tell you something, a few months ago we tried a sober show, and it sucked!

Chris: That's our guarantee: always drunk.

Keith (lifting his glass): I'll drink to that.

Chris (lifting his glass): It's all a lie. This is non-alcoholic. That was an unexpected twist to that anecdote.

The real downside to We Are Scientists is that their catalog is kind of small. But maybe after their next release, they'll have the depth necessary to really be more about the music and less about the banter.

We Are Scientists - Inaction


Danielle said...

some of my friends are in a band by the name of 'the old-fashioned way'. when we all were at the independent to see art brut in march, one of them got eddie argos to say their band name during his 'top of the pops' mantra. it was beautiful.

Ricardo said...

It sounds like you can get him to say anything is top of the pops. Like puppies or Hitler.